How Digital Presence is becoming necessary for Educational Institutes

November 11, 2019 Hexamarvel
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Studies show the global internet usage rate for education has drastically increased. According to a statistical report, almost half of the world’s population uses the internet. And around 87% of the students between 12 and 17 years of age find the web useful for learning and research.
Therefore, it becomes imperative for educational institutes to embark on a digital journey to gain credibility, boost enrollment, and fulfill quality demands.

The education industry is not as simple as it was in the 90s and early 2000s. With the rising demand for quality education, and let’s not forget, of parents, the education sector has become competitive and more complex in terms of student exposure and global presence.

It is Time for Educational Pioneers to Use Digital Presence to Expand their Reach and Convey Useful Information to the Niche

Students are looking to receive maximum value out of their learning experience, be it in school or college. The digital revolution is sweeping across various industries and we believe the educational sector shouldn’t fall under any exceptions.

Let’s just say students are the future, so is digital presence. Digital marketing mediums, such as websites, blogs, online classes, workbooks, guides, e-tutorials, PDF QR Codes, etc. have brought forth several changes, especially the number of student internet users. Right from accessing information to marking attendance to entertainment and extra-curriculum activities, students continuously seek the internet.

Therefore, web development and digital marketing services for educational institutes are becoming a promising tool to target the niche, i.e. the students and parents.  

With marketing trends getting even more refined by the day, education website development companies, service delivery, marketing analysis, and software technologies are improving throughout the educational sector.

As opposed to traditional marketing and direct advertising, digital marketing and websites offer a better return on investment, a safer enrollment strategy, a wider market reach, and let’s not forget, a way to achieving maximum performance.

Here’s a simple example

Imagine you are a founder of an international school with promising infrastructure, teaching methodology, syllabuses, non-academic activities, scholarships, and placement plans. You print brochures and banners with images and circulate around the city.

Certain things can follow

  1. You may or may not grasp the attention of parents and students.
  2. The interested ones may or may not visit your school or share the information with others.

Probability in both is less because

  • There is no way to measure ROI.
  • There is no visual experience in there.
  • Brochure and banners are static, hold less space, and don’t reach all.

Now, you develop a comprehensive website containing videos, photo galleries, curriculum, placement opportunities, current scholarships, fee structure, application form, EMI options, and other amenities like boarding facilities, food, and swimming, horse riding, cooking, and gardening for kids. You also launch a social media page and share the information using digital marketing services, such as SEO, Social Media Marketing, Branding, ORM, etc.

Certain things will happen

  1. Parents will go through the website and appreciate what they read and see.
  2. They will immediately click the application form button and book for enrolment because it is easy to do.
  3. They will share the links to 10 others and increase your brand credibility and online reputation.
  4. You will earn loyal customers and followers.
  5. With more organic clicks on your website, your Google ranking will improve.
  6. Your school will be able to reach a global audience.
  7. You will boost enrolment in manifolds.
  8. You will get to measure the ROI, analyze the response, and improve your marketing plans and services accordingly.

All of these at half price of what you would usually spend on traditional advertising and marketing.


education website developement


Why Digital Marketing and Web Presence Importance is Increasing among Education Institutes

Digital Marketing is Cheaper and Affordable

When you spend less on marketing, you will be able to save more for crucial stuff, like improving student experience and learning. Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing tools and services address the needs of clients for a meager amount. Since digital marketing requires fewer professionals, money can be invested in other areas.

To get the most of digital marketing, educational institutions have to start by hiring a web development company, such as us and use experts for site-building and content development. With online marketing tools, institutions will boost organic traffics eventually and inherit a way of expressing information that the target market identifies and accepts.

Audience engagement and best services are paramount in the educational sector, both of which can be taken via internet marketing solutions.

Helps to Reach More Audience in Less Time

With the right ad campaign and digital marketing tool, schools and universities can reach millions of target audiences in a matter of a few seconds. In traditional advertising, it takes quite a while to make an establishment become recognized in city limits, never mind globally. On the other hand, with the right digital marketing platforms, educational institutes can proactively sought-after their target market and reach it globally.

To make the most out of this, educational institutions must consider many factors, such as payment terms, cultural aspects, age, boarding and transportation facilities for students abroad, competitive amenities, e-learning offers, and other facilities that international standard schools offer.

Acts as a Perfect Conversion Measuring Tool

In outbound or traditional advertising, firms cannot measure how many parents or students read their banner and how many of them chose to be their students. But, with social media campaigns and traffic conversion analysis, education establishments can measure their digital marketing application’s performance.

In fact, institutes don’t have to wait for long. Advanced technology can quickly and frequently relay information and provide feedback in a short time gap, which can help them identify areas that lack in productivity, ad campaigns or keywords that can improve, and plan better service delivery.

The feedback and analytical reports can help foundations shape their marketing and branding strategies better and make more informed decisions.

Faster communication mediums, such as emails, messenger groups, Facebook groups, and twitter, instead of stationed customer care desks, can be used to excel in student service and boost brand loyalty.

Known for Building Loyal and Authentic Institution

Education website development companies help firms to impart information as opposed to content, to impart the benefits or solutions as opposed to the features. Content marketing can not only pass informative content to customers but also urge them to enroll.

Another best way to pass informative solutions is by reaching a niche audience in their preferred mediums. The appearance of a website or ad campaign plays a crucial part in students’ decision-making processes. It also helps students and parents determine the institutions’ authenticity.

Prominent digital presence is the key. By maintaining digital space, such as a website or social media page, institutions will potentially increase clients’ interaction with services offered.

Regular site enhancement, content updates, and active social life will help firms retain more visitors and convert them into loyal clients.

A continuous, active online presence also influences clients’ decision-making ability and their perception.

Therefore, many recognized institutions also involve digital influencers, such as celebrities, bloggers, and media personalities to gain traction and bring in a substantial amount of traffic.

Helps to Improve Ranking on SERP

Building a positive image is the best way to go high in the ranking. Positive image, in the form of positive students’ feedbacks, review, and opinions, will invariably witness an increase in enrolments. A website plays a huge role in building a positive image.

However, building any website is not just enough. What educational institutions need is a powerful, rich-content website that is continuously supported, upgraded, and enhanced by an expert digital marketing team.

Keeps Focus on Students and Parents

Educational institutes are not clothing brands that can target a large array of a niche audience. What if, in reality, no student or potential parent went through your brochure or poster but only office goers did? Total waste of multiple resources and a failed marketing strategy. Traditional marketing is like taking a long shot to get students to enroll.

On the other hand, digital marketing services for educational institutes target audience by engaging them in multiple platforms through strategically placed content (such as video, infographic, ad campaign, audio, images, graphic, QR code, and so on)

With digital marketing and website development services, educational institutes can choose the right platform based on their target customers and secure a higher chance of reaching potential customers.


we suggest institutes not to settle for less in the hopes of saving a few dollars. Digital marketing is a complex, interlinked, and multifaceted process. No two digital marketing plans can be the same, even if the industry is. This is because a lot goes into strategy development, such as the nature of the institution, provisions, academic visions, finance, students, and location.

Before you approach an education website development company, you must consider certain critical factors. These critical factors will play a huge role in boosting your traffic, ranking, credibility, and enrolment. They include the number of years the service provider has existed in the industry, the achievements they have received, future goals, testimonials, workforce quality, their willingness to provide a customized digital marketing solution, and price comparison.

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