PWA’s Are Definitely the Future of Web Apps – Here Are 10 Reasons Why?

September 8, 2021 Hexamarvel
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Why progressive web apps are the future? In this article, we’ve mentioned key Progressive Web App features that make it the future of web development.

Let’s Dig Deep About PWA’

PWAs have received a lot of attention recently, with many stating that they are the future of web development.

So, why PWA development is trending recently?

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a type of web application that employs modern web technology to provide users with a native app-like experience.

Progressive improvement is used to integrate capabilities like caching, background synchronization, and push notifications in these types of web apps.

PWAs have been around for over two years, and the reaction has been really overwhelming. Few large players like Chrome and Mozilla may be the best browsers to test PWAs, although Apple still haven’t done much with this!

What Exactly is PWA(Progressive web app)?

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As per Google, a Progressive Web App “uses contemporary web features to offer an app-like customer experience.”

In a nutshell, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are websites that act like native mobile applications.

PWAs are created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and may be viewed on any platform that supports a standard web browser encompassing mobile phones and desktop computers.

The PWA-based application is a hybrid of mobile apps and standard web pages. They are extremely safe, fast, and scalable.

Sneak-peak of some exclusive PWA features – 

  • Icon for the Home Screen
  • Push Notifications 
  • Screen Splash
  • Geographical Location
  • Availability of Offline Mode 
  • Synchronization in the Background
  • Using Audio, Video, and Camera Devices to Access Media Features,
  • And much more…

Is Progressive Web App Development Really Future-Friendly?

Without a question, progressive web apps are the future of online development.

Progressive web apps development has eliminated the need for the time-consuming and inconvenient downloading and installation processes that accompany with native apps.

PWAs have a lot more to offer users because they leverage innovative web technology. Its capacity to captivate and excite users with a fantastic user experience remains unrivalled.

To create distinctive user experiences and enhance outreach, more organisations are switching from native apps to PWAs.

PWAs are expected to replace 50% of mobile apps by 2020, according to Gartner. Twitter, Uber, and Forbes are among the few companies that have already made the switch to PWA’s.

Some Appealing Features of PWA Which Make It Future-Appropriate.

– Interrupted Offline Access

It’s exciting to have an app that works offline, and PWA is all about offline access.

PWAs rely on service workers to enable push notifications, content caching, background upgrades, and offline capabilities.

Service employees make offline access workable because these are simply Java scripts that function independently on your app and react to fresh changes of connection, network queries, push notifications, etc.

As a result, among the best aspects of progressive web application development is uninterrupted offline access.

– Enhanced User Interactivity

PWAs leverage the link-adding functionality to cache data, allowing users to access the application from their home screen Progressive web apps development allows developers to customize how an app appears and operates on a device. 

With PWAs, we can also change other characteristics, like screen orientation, home screen, and browser preference.

Programmers can track individual purchase patterns or general consumer behaviour using user-generated information. And, it completely ensures that they are seeing what they really want to purchase.

FYI – AliExpress reports a 104 percent boost in conversion rates, with customers visiting twice as many pages per session and spending 74 percent more time per session across all browsers.

– Pocket -Friendly

PWA developers can use a variety of JavaScript frameworks and PWA development tools. React PWA Library, Angular PWA Framework, Vue PWA Framework, and many others.

These web stacks make it possible for PWA developers to swiftly develop code and deploy the app. As a result, you’ll save a lot of time and money on development.

Progressive web apps services can be easily deployable using a web page code that works in both mobile and desktop browsers.

E-commerce companies who spend a lot of money on web application development can save a lot by using PWAs.

– Saves Storage, Effort, Money and What Not

PWAs win over native mobile apps! Here’s why?

Because they don’t require any downloading or installation.

If you go online and look for an application, you would have to go through several stages. The internet search, downloading, and deployment, followed by permissions for accessibility for media, contacts and so forth.

PWA, on the other hand, cuts through these layers of effort and provides consumers with direct access which they can use right away. 

PWA also doesn’t charge an extra cent for usage and also you don’t have to exhaust your device’s storage space to download it.

– Privacy

For site and application programmers, cyber dangers are always at the top of the priority list. 

Previously, HTTP was not safe enough to keep users’ data safe. As a result, HTTPs is now used to programme websites. The “S” in HTTPS shows secure.

In addition, Progressive Web Apps services are simple and secure too. Customers feel safe and secure while inputting confidential info in PWA, such as bank account information or contact details.

Also read: Web Application V/s Website – Who Wins the Debate?

Traditional web apps use HTTP, while progressive web apps use HTTPS. 

– Easy Edits with Pwas

Bugs and malfunctions are unavoidable in web development. However, designing a Progressive Web App rather than a native app has the advantage of not requiring you to contact the application store to make changes.

Unlike in native app, you have to notify app store about the changes and upgrades to address the faults and errors.

The upgrades and modifications could take a week or more to implement. 

PWAs, on the other hand, allow you to repair issues and errors on the go and eliminate the need to write 2 different codes for Android and Apple platforms.

It minimizes time and improves web app development fine-tuning.

– Quick Loading

When it comes to efficiency, Progressive Web Apps are extremely dependable and effective. Java Scripts and Service Workers operate in a different thread than the main web thread. 

This enables PWA to load quickly, no matter how poor your internet connection is. PWAs can work faster since they can cache data in the application and browser. 

Smooth browsing, animation, and navigations give users the impression that they’re using a native app. This improves the app’s execution of code and loading time.

– Blessing for SEO

The wonderful thing about PWAs is that users can find out easily if it is relevant to what they do. A basic Google search may bring up your website, which will then redirect the user to your PWA.

It also improves the app’s usability and searchability because it takes less time to load. The speedier sites improve their rating and hence have a beneficial impact on search engine rankings. 

We can swiftly index PWA by providing a rich user experience that contributes to the SEO strategy’s effectiveness.

– Attractive Web Design

Improper UI (user interface) and website design, with its flaws and inefficiencies, is inherently harmful for your business and leads to lower sales and revenue.

But, A good design system will ensure that your enterprise web apps provide a positive user experience while also being visually appealing.

And, PWA can solve these problems. As it is an excellent tool for designing and developing an excellent web app. The use of progressive web app technology to design aspects of web apps makes them more configurable and user-friendly.

Along with PWA, you also need an amazing progressive web app development company to solve the problems of attractive web app designing. 

Other Features

We may use a PWA in place of a website. It might be anything from a marketing site to a blog to a shop to a collection of cat memes. PWAs combine the finest features of both worlds: URLs from URLS and push notifications, offline access, and even deep connecting.

  • Offers an outstanding feature of Smooth Scrolling.
  • Provides intuitive animations. 
  • Impressive navigation function. 
  • Impression of a native programme.
  • Quick data reloading in the background. 
  • Server-side logic processes.
  • It utilised the cache to collect API data and load the PWA.

Wrapping Up

The nicest part about getting started is that it’s actually pretty simple. In reality, converting an existing site to a PWA is a very viable option.

The time couldn’t be better if you want to build a PWA or migrate to one. Furthermore, if you’re seeking for a reputable web app development firm, go no further!

Hexamaravel is a well-known progressive web app development company with a team of top PWA developers, mobile programmers, and PWA designers with years of expertise building bespoke PWA solution.  

With our unique PWA development approach, you’ll always get apps that are simple to use with responsive UI/UX design, and thrill the end user. 

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